Dental Hygiene & Prophylaxis

The bacterial plaque plays a decisive role in the development of oral diseases such as caries, inflammation of the gums or periodontitis. The metabolism of the bacteria breaks down food components into acids. This causes a decalcification of the dental hard substance and an inflammation of the gums, often coupled with unpleasant bad breath.
We therefore recommend to have a professional tooth cleaning carried out at least twice a year. This way you can optimally prevent the aforementioned diseases of the teeth, the tooth bed and the gums.

Studies have shown that regular prophylaxis can prevent 70 to 80 % of all dental diseases!
Systemic dental prophylaxis pursues these objectives:

  • Removal of the firmly adhesive plaque
  • Remineralisation of the dental hard substance for lasting dental health
  • Increasing the resistance of the enamel to acids
  • Inhibition of the metabolism of bacteria in the plaque
  • Reduction of the risk of tooth loss
  • Reducing the risk of developing caries or periodontitis
  • Avoidance or prevention of bad breath
  • Optical whitening of the teeth


Zahnklinik Kilchberg
Grütstrasse 55
8802 Kilchberg

Tel: +41 41 711 75 75

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Member of the Swiss Dental Society

All on 4 Center of  Excellence 2024



Outside our opening hours, please dial the emergency number of the dental emergency service of the Kanton Zürich:

Emergency number: 0800 33 66 55

Opening Hours

Mo-Do 08:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Fr-So closed

Praxis 5