Root canal treatment with laser
Infections or injuries can infect or destroy the inner tissue of the tooth (pulp). Root canal treatment allows us to keep teeth at an optimal healing rate that would otherwise have to be removed. This involves removing infected or destroyed tissue from the inside of the tooth and replacing it with a special material. Our laser-assisted treatment achieves excellent results even in the case of severe germ load and chronic inflammation. We also work with photoactive therapy.
The highly effective, light-activated gel disinfects all small canals of the root of the tooth, thus freeing the inflammatory bacteria. In many cases, these modern and effective methods save you from having to undergo surgery. However, on the basis of a comprehensive diagnosis in advance, we carefully weigh up which treatment will be most successful for you in the long term. If the chances of survival of a tooth are hopeless, we will inform you honestly and advise you comprehensively about the different treatment options.