Diagnostics 3D

"Successful treatment means understanding!"

3D images - a leap in diagnostics

The images by means of a digital volume tomograph (DVT) enable the three-dimensional representation of the head. Thanks to their enormous power of expression, they revolutionise diagnostics in dentistry - and this with a steel reduction of over 90% compared to conventional computer tomography.

The classic X-ray image shows only a two-dimensional layer of the jaw. For a three-dimensional data set, a DVT generates several individual images during a single orbit. From these data, software calculates the full image volume. The treating doctor can then "walk through" this 3D volume and diagnose every small anomaly in the tooth and jaw area.
DVT technology is used for various indications at the Kilchberg Dental Clinic. For example, it is used for unclear cystic changes or osteolysis. It is also an important diagnostic tool for planning wisdom tooth removal. The exact location of the root of the wisdom tooth to the nerve can be determined before surgery to reduce the risk of nerve damage during surgery. It also helps to diagnose diseases of the jaw cavity.

DVT images are also indispensable for implantation planning. Thanks to the precise representation, the nerve progression in the jaw is clearly visible in the DVT image. Furthermore, the existing bone is accurately represented in a 3D image. The bone quality and bone quantity, i.e. also the volume of the bone, are determined. This makes precise planning possible so that complications can be avoided.

Biological Dentistry

Biological dentistry views the oral cavity as an integral part of the entire body system. It places particular emphasis on materials and techniques that promote health and do not place a strain on the body. The focus is on biocompatible materials such as ceramics and the avoidance of potentially harmful substances. This holistic approach aims not only to improve dental health, but also to support general well-being and vitality. Biological dentists rely on gentle and gentle treatment methods that are individually tailored to the needs of their patients.


biologische ZahnmedizinCeramic Implant

Ceramic implants made of zirconia (also called zirconia implants) are the future-oriented alternative to the frequently used titanium implants.

The metal-free implant solution grows particularly well on the gums. The ceramic implant closes the gap for possible bacteria that can enter the bloodstream via the gums. Ceramic implants are the future in implantology due to their high compatibility and quality. Ceramic implants are highly hygienic and do not release particles into your tissue. Allergies or intolerances are not triggered.


Autologous Blood Therapy

The A-PRF Treatment: Without artificial additives or foreign substances

A-PRF stands for "advanced plantelet rich fibrin" - platelet rich fibrin. This protein is a natural part of human blood and its sticky consistency ensures that wounds close quickly. As soon as your body recognises an open wound, it supplies it with building materials that allow new connective tissue and even bone to grow.

We take advantage of this natural reaction with the A-PRF therapy by Dr. Joseph Choukroun. We take some blood from you and use a centrifuge to separate the fibrin, which is enriched with many white blood cells, from the rest of the blood. In this way, we obtain a highly concentrated, natural and, above all, natural wound patch without any artificial additives.

Autologous blood therapy provides important services for bone building and wound healing. In short, it has the following advantages:

  • 100% natural material: no artificial additives or foreign substances
  • No allergies
  • No rejection reactions
  • Better wound healing
  • Reduced risk of infection
  • Reduced swelling
  • Less post-operative pain
  • Faster regeneration of bone and soft tissue e.g. with pulled teeth
  • Rapid regeneration of bone in the implantation area
  • Aesthetic support for the reconstruction of soft tissue


Vitamin D3 Therapy

Strengthen the immune system, improve healing

Vitamin D3 is a particularly important hormone for our health. It regulates a variety of functions related to vitality, resilience, regeneration and the body's defence power. Vitamin D3, for example, is essential for undisturbed bone healing, controls more than 1,000 different genes and strengthens the immune system. This is why vitamin D3 is very important in our dental clinic. It supports the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth and is important for their growth and stability.

In addition, an adequate supply of vitamin D3 reduces the occurrence of caries and periodontitis and generally improves the defence against bacteria, viruses and fungi. In addition, the frequency of allergic reactions decreases and inflammation decreases faster. A very good level of vitamin D3 promotes optimal healing and reduces the risk of infections and other complications, especially during surgical procedures or implantations.


Free mucosal transplantation

When the gums retract:

The absence of gums on the surface of the tooth means not only an aesthetic impairment for the affected patients, but also a severe hypersensitivity in these areas. With so-called mucogingival surgical interventions such defects can be remedied by means of a free mucosal graft or by a pure connective tissue graft.



In the context of implantology, bone reconstruction measures are often indispensable to create an adequate implant storage.
Only a sufficiently existing or created bone supply ensures the success of the therapy and the long-term prognosis of the artificial tooth roots (implants). Large bone deficits can also be reconstructed by the use of bone blocks taken intraorally or extraorally. Depending on the situation, a one- or two-stage procedure is chosen, in which case the implants can be inserted at the same time and in conjunction with augmentation, i.e. bone reconstruction. The best method for you can only be determined on the basis of a thorough examination and consultation.

Treatment free of Pain

Anxiety and pain-free treatment

At the Zahnklinik Kilchberg , we have developed a special awareness of anxious and sensitive patients. We see every day that the fear of visiting a dentist has not diminished. No one has to hide their dental anxiety. We ask patients to deal with it openly in order to build up a good relationship of trust. Almost every day, we reduce inhibition thresholds and make it easier for sensitive, anxious patients to visit us. We know exactly how much it costs an anxious patient to overcome to visit the dentist. Our team will help you to leave the vicious circle of fear, shame and pain with a trusting support.

We have prepared our team for a more cautious approach to anxiety patients. One rule of thumb is that we do not treat an anxiety patient with a dentist at the first appointment, but rather educate them first. Treatments are carried out consistently from the angle of the anxiety patient. This ensures that they always feel safe and in good hands in an atmosphere of trust.

Root Canal Treatment - Endodontic Treatment

Root canal treatment with laser

Infections or injuries can infect or destroy the inner tissue of the tooth (pulp). Root canal treatment allows us to keep teeth at an optimal healing rate that would otherwise have to be removed. This involves removing infected or destroyed tissue from the inside of the tooth and replacing it with a special material. Our laser-assisted treatment achieves excellent results even in the case of severe germ load and chronic inflammation. We also work with photoactive therapy.

The highly effective, light-activated gel disinfects all small canals of the root of the tooth, thus freeing the inflammatory bacteria. In many cases, these modern and effective methods save you from having to undergo surgery. However, on the basis of a comprehensive diagnosis in advance, we carefully weigh up which treatment will be most successful for you in the long term. If the chances of survival of a tooth are hopeless, we will inform you honestly and advise you comprehensively about the different treatment options.

Dental Hygiene & Prophylaxis

The bacterial plaque plays a decisive role in the development of oral diseases such as caries, inflammation of the gums or periodontitis. The metabolism of the bacteria breaks down food components into acids. This causes a decalcification of the dental hard substance and an inflammation of the gums, often coupled with unpleasant bad breath.
We therefore recommend to have a professional tooth cleaning carried out at least twice a year. This way you can optimally prevent the aforementioned diseases of the teeth, the tooth bed and the gums.

Studies have shown that regular prophylaxis can prevent 70 to 80 % of all dental diseases!
Systemic dental prophylaxis pursues these objectives:

  • Removal of the firmly adhesive plaque
  • Remineralisation of the dental hard substance for lasting dental health
  • Increasing the resistance of the enamel to acids
  • Inhibition of the metabolism of bacteria in the plaque
  • Reduction of the risk of tooth loss
  • Reducing the risk of developing caries or periodontitis
  • Avoidance or prevention of bad breath
  • Optical whitening of the teeth

Cosmetic Dentistry


Coffee, tea, cigarettes, red wine, medication and other factors can lead to unpleasant discolouration of individual teeth or entire rows of teeth. With a modern, gentle whitening method, the effect of which is activated by a special light, we can restore the natural colour of your teeth in a short time or even lighten it – just as you wish. Before starting a whitening therapy, we will discuss your wishes and ideas with you. Sometimes even an individual prophylaxis or professional tooth cleaning by means of "air-flow" can substantially improve or lighten the tooth colour.


A perfect smile isn't just a matter of healthy teeth, it's a matter of color and shape. In order for your smile to enchant, your teeth need to match the shape of your face and your type. Few of us have such a harmonious picture. Even famous actors have had to help with Hollywood smiles. There are gentle methods for light cosmetic changes with veneers or lumineers.

Veneers are ultra-thin, translucent ceramic trays for the teeth, which are applied to the surface of the teeth with a special adhesive, mainly on the front teeth. Veneers can be used to correct slight tooth misalignments, gaps, unsatisfactory tooth colour and local discolouration. The visible surfaces of your teeth get an optimised appearance. The "adhesive shells" are made of ceramic (porcelain), so there is no health hazard because the ceramic material has a very high bio-compatibility.


Health starts in the mouth

Scientific studies show that around 90% of all people over the age of 30 now suffer from various forms of inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) and inflammation of the dental apparatus (periodontitis). Already, more teeth are lost to bone bed disease than to caries.


What is periodontitis?

Periodontitis is the popular term for periodontitis, which describes an inflammation of the dental apparatus. It includes the gums, the bony environment, the skin of the roots and the fibres of the roots. The inflammation is caused by bacteria that settle in the pockets of the gums and the spaces between the teeth. When the bacterial enzymes attack the skin of the roots, the supporting fibres of the tooth and the jawbone, the immune system reacts with an inflammatory response. This should destroy the bacteria. However, this inflammatory response can have far-reaching effects on many parts of the body.

Oral hygiene, age, general condition, lifestyle and genetic predisposition of the patient influence the severity of the disease. The risk of developing periodontitis varies between people. Early detection is the best way to prevent or stop periodontitis at an early stage. State-of-the-art tests help to identify risks before irreversible damage has occurred. Thus, tooth loss and the required prostheses can be effectively prevented.


Possible effects of periodontitis:

  • Increasing the risk of cancer
  • Increased risk of breast cancer in women
  • Risk of premature birth increases 7 times
  • Risk of heart disease increases 7 times
  • smoking, osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes may increase the risk of periodontitis
  • Interrelationship between rheumatism and periodontitis
  • Increased risk of developing Alzheimer' s disease


All-on-4 - Fixed Teeth in one Day

The All-on-4 method is particularly suitable for immediate treatment. Four stable implants distributed over the dental arch are sufficient to secure the dental prosthesis. Meanwhile, many scientific studies have shown a success rate comparable to that of conventional implants. The prerequisite is careful planning and precise execution by an experienced surgeon, which is always the case in our Zurich dental practice.

The advantages of the All-on-4 method at a glance:

  • Firm teeth in one day
  • Only one operation (under general anaesthesia if desired)
  • Implantation without bone build-up
  • This reduces the risk of complications
  • 4 implants per jaw instead of 6 - 8
  • This reduces costs
  • Simplified oral hygiene due to fewer implants
  • Individually adapted and therefore aesthetically very sophisticated
  • Screwed connection facilitates repairs to dentures
  • Excellent and scientifically proven long-term success rates
  • Few appointments, thus also suitable for patients with longer journeys

Immediate Implantation

Immediate implantation involves the insertion of an implant immediately after the tooth has been removed. As a patient, this does not have to be satisfied with a gap and unnecessarily long treatment periods, but with modern technologies and materials, old functionality and aesthetics can be quickly restored.

Immediate implantation is not possible for all indications. We decide individually and check whether there are sufficient bones and no contraindications. Insofar as immediate implantation is possible, it usually has many advantages compared to conventional, delayed implantation. Immediate implantation involves removing your own sick or damaged tooth and placing the implant at the same time, so that the treatment can be performed gently and minimally invasively. Treatment is less costly and time-consuming, and fewer interventions are required. Also, the tooth can usually be replaced more quickly and fully loaded again. The body does not really notice that its own tooth is missing, as it has been replaced immediately by an implant. Compared to a conventional implant, the patient experiences significantly less pain and swelling after the operation.

  • Less time-consuming and cost-consuming than a conventional implantation
  • Minimally invasive with fewer interventions
  • Gaps in teeth can be temporarily (fixed) supplied as quickly as possible
  • Usually minimal to no pain and swelling after the procedure

Zahnklinik Kilchberg
Grütstrasse 55
8802 Kilchberg

Tel: +41 41 711 75 75


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Member of the Swiss Dental Society

All on 4 Center of  Excellence 2024



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Emergency number: 0800 33 66 55

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Mo-Do 08:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Fr-So closed

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